Portland Field Naturalists Club Victoria

Portland Field Naturalists

Portland Feild Naturalists Club ( PFNC)

Portland Field Naturalists Club was formed in 1945 out of concern for the future of the native vegetation in the region in the face of post war developement.


Portland Field Naturalist Club is committed to theappreciation, protection and enhancement of the natural environment. This is achieved through advocacy, outings, surveys, gaining and sharing knowledge, participation in revegetation and pest plant control activities.

Key Achievements;

The establishment of the Lower Glenelg, Mount Richmond and Cobboboonee National Parks, Cape Nelson State Park, Cobboboonee Forest Park and other Flaura and Fauna reserves in the district

Publication of “Birds of Portland District”


Wednesday Walks. Held every Wednesday from 9am-12 noon, departing from the Graeme  Hudson Fauna Park Bridgewater Road Portland.

Excursions to areas of natural interest are conducted on the Sunday following the monthly meetings, leaving from the Shell Service Station REAR carpark at the junction of the Henty Highway and Cashmere Road Portland.

Bring your lunch, snacks and drinks.Wear suitable footwear and clothing for an enjoyable day out in the natural environment.

Departure Times are usually 9-30 am returning approximately 5-30pm


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Portland 3305 VIC AU
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Wed 9-12 Sundays once a month 9-30 am 5-30 pm