Jasper Buses
Jasper Buses is a small, local family owned business located in Narrawong – 15 km from Portland. We currently have buses in our fleet ,these buses are available for charter and range between 20 & 28 passenger seats
When hiring out our buses for charter we are able to cater for a wide range of personalised charters. From tours around the township, local or distant trips including school camps and excursions, Birthday and Christmas parties or mystery bus trips. Whether you require a day trip or overnight experience,then please contact us for a personalised quote,. We take the stress out of driving by will providing a driver to drive the bus along with the fuel and extra expenses is included in the hire cost quoted to you.
When cruise ships are in port we offer a local “Portland 3 Bays tour”, Taking in Cape Nelson Cape Grant & Bridgewater Bay, this is a great way to get a snap shot of all the different aspects of Portland, as well as seeing some of the beautiful attractions that our town has to offer, We drive past the Port of Portland and Alcoa- Portland’s Aluminium Smelter. Whilst on our way to visiting some attraction such as the Cape Nelson Lighthouse ( This is not a lighthouse tour) , Bridgewater Bay, The Petrified Forest and the Blowholes. If time allows, we also drive past the Australian Wild Life Fauna Park and the Portland War Memorial.
Please call or email us for a personalised quote.