Upwelling Festival
Welcome to the Portland Upwelling Festival
A celebration of the natural wonders brought to the town of Portland by the Bonney Upwelling.
The Bonney Upwelling is the epic natural ocean occurrence that powers a 7 month ( November – May ) feeding frenzy of marine animals, supporting an incredibly rich ecological food web. The Upwelling is at its greatest off the coast of Portland and is the corner stone of our lucrative fishing and tourism industries.
Presented by the Upwelling Festival Committee Inc. The Upwelling Festival is a free one day event that brings the community and visitors together to celebrate what is unique about our beautiful coastal environment in Portland Victoria.
Held on Saturday 4th November there is music, market stalls,street parade, flying flamingos, marine environment talks just to name some of the days activities. This event is free for all to attend and starts at 10 am
10 am; Community Parade. Starts corner of Henty and Bentinck streets.
The Flying Flamingos in front of the Navel Reserve Building 11-30am, 1-00 pm & 2-30 pm
Music on the lawns all day
Markets on the foreshore all day
Marine environment talks
6-30 am 3-Bays Running Festival ULTRA Marathon Starts